My land is a good land, its grass is made of rainbow blades
Its fields and its rivers were blessed by God
It's a good land so they say -- It's a good land so they say

My land is a rich land, its hills and its valleys abound
Its highways go to many good places
Where many good people are found -- Where many good people are found

My land is a sweet land, it's a sweet land so I've heard
Its song is made up of many men's hands
And a throat of a hummingbird -- And a throat of a hummingbird

My land is a free land, it's a free land so I'm told
Freedom is a thing money can't buy
And it's worth even more than gold -- And it's worth even more than gold

My land is my homeland, my homeland is a strong land too
It starts where the sun is born each morn
And it ends where the skies are blue -- And it ends where the skies are blue

My land is a good land, its grass is made of rainbow blades
Its fields and its rivers were blessed by God
It's a good land so they say -- It's a good land so they say

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